Foundation Production Brief

In this project I will be creating a front page, contents page and a double page spread of a new music magazine. All images and text used must be original, produced by candidate, minimum of FOUR images per candidate.

Monday 22 February 2010

First Draft of Front cover

This is the first draft of what my front cover of my magazine will look like. I have called it 'Xclusive' this is because I have reason to believe that my magazine will have the most recent releases of hip-hop before other magazines from my sources, I have named it 'Xclusive' with an X to make it more user friendly and meet the hip-hop stereotypical slang used aimed at my target audience. I have ideas of making the artist be included in the title of my magazine by making him/her cross their arms in an X fasion to include the artist more with the making of the magazine to try an invoke a trend within the magazine to make it more popular amoungst fans of this magazine.
Other things the magazine includes is sell lines and stories of the artist featured on the front cover. It also has a slogan 'You heard it here first' . It also has sneak previews of the contents of the magazine on the front cover and some minor headlines. The website of the front cover will be on the bottom of the magazine.

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