Foundation Production Brief

In this project I will be creating a front page, contents page and a double page spread of a new music magazine. All images and text used must be original, produced by candidate, minimum of FOUR images per candidate.

Monday 8 February 2010

The contents page informs the reader of the regular and unique features included in the magazine, promotes the magazine, and creates a brand identity for audiences to identify with. This contents page subverts from the stereotypical connotations of a contents page because they have contents spelt 'contex' and the image is slightly to the side. An additional convention that is found in a majority of contents pages is an image(s) this is important as it draws the readers attention as it is usually someone who is associated with the genre of the magazine. This contents page includes an image of a Hip-Hop icon Ludacris. However most contents pages do not include a issue number and date this could be a good idea as it allows us to see when it was made without going back to the front cover, this can also be argued as being annoying to the reader as it looks like an addition piece of text which would make the reader dis-heartened to carry on reading the page because it looks to long and a lot to take in. The contents page also has sub headings giving the reader the ability to select a specific section in which interests them the most the also alternate the colour of the lines to make it easier for the reader to read the words.

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